Sunday, October 25, 2009

Toshiba 32AV502U Good entry level HD television

I have had this product for about 2 weeks now and am very pleased with it, and I don't even have an "upscaled" or "upconverted" DVD player (yet) and am basically watching 480ip (or whatever they call it). The difference between LCD and CRT is truly amazing. I got it at a really good price and even if deflation drops HDTV prices through the floor (at which point I will cry), I'll feel proud that I helped the sagging American economy as much as I could. Seriously, if you're on the fence, go ahead an get it. It's a well built, solid, crisp, sharp little machine and you'll love it. Like another reviewer said, though, if within a month or so it's sputtering and tweaking on me, I'll revise this so fast it will make yer head spin.

UPDATE: As of 5/18/09 still working fine. I'm very pleased with the set. But, keep it dusted!

UPDATE 2: 7/20/09 Have bought a Sony upscaling DVD player. Now am watching the TV at 1080i. Yes, there is a difference. It's not knock your socks off different, but I do notice it.

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